Friday, April 27, 2012

Spring Planting Update

I thought I should give an update on my spring plantings.
My spinach has taken off and is ready to be harvested, so we will be enjoying spinach salads for awhile

My seedlings have a mixed story to tell.  The newspaper pots worked great and all my seeds took off and were growing gangbusters.  The beans and pumpkins had gotten so tall they were starting to fall over so I figured I had to move them outside. We haven't had any nights below freezing for almost the whole month of April, and so I thought it would be safe to move them into the beautiful raised planter bed my husband made for me.
I was wrong.
It appears that young and fragile seedlings don't like temperatures even in the low 40s.  My tomato seedlings and bush bean seedlings died within days.
The zucchinis, cucumbers, and pumpkins are doing okay, sort of.  They had grown too tall for their own good in the warmth of my living room and half of them have just fallen over and are laying prostrate on the ground, groaning in agony at the torture I put them through by going outside.  But at least one of each is holding on to life.

The jalapeno and bell pepper seedlings are hanging on okay, as well as the zinnia seedlings, but they are still tiny. How can they possibly grow to a mature fruit bearing plant by August?  I guess I will see, but in the mean time another year that I will have to go to garden store to get vegetable plants for the garden.
What's their secret??
I was given a little bit of solace when I was at Target today and the cashier said she also has a really hard time with tomato seedlings, and she has an enclosed porch.  So my conclusion for Denver home gardening from seeds in the spring is spinach, broccoli (because the earwigs stay away from them) and rhubarb (our rhubarb plant comes back happier and happier every year). If you don't hate earwigs like I do and want to try out lettuce, I've had great luck with it, but really I just can not handle picking earwigs out of my lettuce.

I will keep you posted on the progress of the survivors.

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